Aside from her large collection of painting styles and methods. Cristina has also explored other avenues over the years, to further expand on her creative spark. Her work with crafting sculptures has meant that a new dimension can be found in the work that she does, thus, no longer restricted to the 2d plane. Her sculptures will be ready to view on ccartgallery soon.
With any art form, there must first be inspiration before a work is undertaken. That inspiration for Cristina lies within photography. Traveling to unusual territories to find eye catching architecture, nature and beautiful landscapes that need to be captured for future memories. Follow Cristina on her adventures as she continues to build on her collection of inspiring photos.
Providing knowledge for those with less experience is essential for the growth and sustainability of art. That is why Cristina will partnering with a teacher from Oslo Met to organize a variety of painting courses for people that are interested in expanding their skills.
Nes Kompetansesenter AS has been established to help create new jobs in the local environment and regionally in the Romerike region, through advice and participation in projects. Their vision is that their company will be a source of expertise and advice in several areas, contributing to both the private and public sector, so that growth and new jobs are created and opened up for diversity in working life. It is with these values that they have offered to showcase Cristina's work at their building to build a platform for all artists. The exhibition will be announced via the diary page so keep an eye out there for further details.
During this project Cristina will attempt to explore the power of only using black and white paint to capture emotions on canvas in attempt to restrict herself. This is something that is apparent in her previous work as she pushes the boundaries of her usual methodologies in an attempt to create something new.
"The family" is an iconic part of Cristina's inspiration, as is evident in so much of the work that she does. The painting above is a representation of each family member coming together as one hive-mind. Following her previous pattern of breaking her usual workflow, Cristina will work to emphasize the characteristics of each member by portraying them on their own canvas during this project.